Labour NEC Decision on EU Election Manifesto – 30 April

I have had hundreds of emails urging Labour to commit to a confirmatory vote/public vote/second referendum on am Brexit deal that might be agreed by MPs in the House of Commons. I agree and I argued at the NEC meeting along those lines.

While the NEC did not find wording as clear as I would have liked, it does say that if the government does not accept to change its deal along radically alternative lines (which it won’t), then Labour backs the (only remaining) option of a public vote. It also says that the government, if it is so confident that its deal is a good one, “should not be afraid to put that deal to the public”.

In the European election campaign, Labour’s list of candidates in every region is headed by a supporter of a public vote. We will be making that case forcefully.

And Labour is the only party in a position to prevent Farage’s new party from winning the most seats, which would be perceived across Europe as Britain reconfirming public support for Brexit and for the nationalist far-right.

Let us use this election campaign as an opportunity to make the case for Europe!

A summary of why the government’s deal is so bad can be found here.

A summary of why a no-deal Brexit would be catastrophic can be found here.

If you are looking for facts and arguments on specific issues to do with Brexit, from fishing to citizens’ rights to the single market to brewing and much else besides, you may find my “Brexit Briefings” to be useful.   

And on a more polemical note, this “Long List of Leave Lies” and other items here may help in debates and discussions.